Fox, l'elettrica di casa Ecomission

La bicicletta elettrica Fox, grazie al telaio pieghevole è facilmente trasportabile per i vostri weekend fuori porta. Ideale anche per uso camperistico, imbarcazioni e brevi spostamenti da casa all’ufficio.

La pieghi e la porti sempre con te, grazie alle ruote Kevlar 20″x 4″ puoi andare su tutti i tipi di terreno. Sabbia, neve e strade sterrate nessuno ferma la Fox. 

Motore BAFANG , batteria al litio da 48 V estraibile, telaio in alluminio, freni a disco, computer di bordo.

Un modello davvero unico la rendono una soluzione ideale per chi ama la comodità e muoversi con stile.

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Neuropathic pain is caused by damage or injury to the nerves that transfer information between the brain and spinal cord from the skin, muscles and other parts of the body. The pain is usually described as a burning sensation and affected areas are often sensitive to the touch. Symptoms of neuropathic pain may also include excruciating pain, pins and needles, difficulty correctly sensing temperatures and numbness. Some people may find it hard to wear thick clothes as even slight pressure can aggravate the pain.


Adopting a ketogenic diet may be the perfect weight loss plan, especially if you have diabetes, or want to try this approach to lose those troublesome extra pounds. After all, it’s a very low-carb meal plan that promises effective weight loss while also lowering your blood sugar to the point where you could possibly stop taking medication. By all accounts, the “keto” diet, as it’s widely known, may even reverse type 2 diabetes, at least for some lucky individuals.


If you’re struggling with portion distortion, take time to carefully measure the foods you make before adding them to your plate or use a portion or divided plate when cooking and eating at home. When dining out, choose meals that are comprised mainly of fruits and vegetables and lean, grilled meats, and eat approximately half of the portions served to you.


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